iP Solutions brought extensive knowledge of Embedded Linux DSP systems hardware and software to the Nevada Nanotech Systems (NNTS) project for explosive chemical and radiation threat detection and analysis. The project, CScout, was targeted for shipping container security.
Previous experience with complex embedded control and data acquisition systems enabled iP Solutions to immediately begin contributing to this project. The primary goal was to design both hardware and software for using an NNTS Molecular Properties Sensor (MPS) to collect, analyze and present explosive chemical vapor threat data. Additionally, radiation spectrum data was to be collected and analyzed for any radiation threat components. This system was to be controlled and results communicated remotely through a wireless interface, the Maritime Asset Tag Tracking System (MATTS). Also, a hardwired network connection was to enable more extensive maintenance and engineering modes with web-based and terminal based interfaces.
The CScout system was successfully completed with impressive measurement results. This system will be used for demonstration of NNTS sensor capabilities to potential customers. Continue reading →