Water-Energy Nexus

iP Solu­tions has con­sulted on many projects in the Water-Energy Nexus. Gary Marks of iP Solu­tions has authored sev­eral papers on elec­tri­cal energy con­sump­tion, energy effi­ciency and demand response in Cal­i­for­nia indus­trial, agri­cul­tural, and water appli­ca­tions. His most recent, “Oppor­tu­ni­ties for Demand Response in Cal­i­for­nia Agri­cul­tural Irri­ga­tion: A Scop­ing Study”, was con­tracted by the Demand Response Research Cen­ter (DRRC) for the Pub­lic Inter­est Energy Research (PIER) pro­gram of the Cal­i­for­nia Energy Com­mis­sion (CEC). Fur­ther, Mr. Marks pre­sented the topic of “Oppor­tu­ni­ties for Demand Response in Cal­i­for­nia Agri­cul­tural Irri­ga­tion” at the Emerg­ing Tech­nol­ogy Sum­mit for energy tech­nol­ogy com­pa­nies and elec­tric util­i­ties in Pasadena, CA on Octo­ber 16th, 2012.  In 2010, Mr. Marks authored a paper on Pre­ci­sion Irri­ga­tion that dealt with water and energy effi­ciency as well as demand response in Cal­i­for­nia agri­cul­tural irri­ga­tion. Mr. Marks is a mem­ber of the Demand Response Research Cen­ter Indus­trial Con­trols Experts Work­ing Group and as a mem­ber of that group con­sulted on another DRRC pub­li­ca­tion, “Assess­ing the Con­trol Sys­tems Capac­ity for Demand Response in Cal­i­for­nia Indus­tries”.

iP Solu­tions con­tin­ues its work on the Water-Energy Nexus in agri­cul­tural irri­ga­tion and pub­lic water sys­tem pump con­trols. In Novem­ber of 2012, iP Solu­tions joined the Ope­nADR Alliance.